Alien Hunt v1.3 - File size reduction

After finishing the Alient Hunt game for the Kenney game jam, I couldn't let go of the fact that the game was still over 150 MB in size, which is quite a lot for a game jam game that only uses low-poly models. So after some digging around in the project, I realized that the little animated screens in the level select were both actually about 50 MB in size. Given the limited timeframe of the game jam, I had used some janky video editing to make sure they looped nice and proper, which didn't do the size any justice. I really liked the effect, but not to the extent of tripling the file size of the game! So after studying some shader code, I changed the effect into something similar that is also really fitting, but brings the file size down to a much more acceptable 50 MB. 

Other than that I also added a little timer so that each new music track doesn't start *instantly* after the last one ends, but other than that nothing's different. So if you've already played the game, there's no reason to get it again, but the people who might see it for the first time will save some bandwidth and disk space while giving it a try :).


AlienHunt v1.3.exe 48 MB
Aug 30, 2021
AlienHunt 48 MB
Aug 30, 2021

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